Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Greater San Diego

For two-and-a-half years, Buddy has barked at our mailman every day. We tried everything to get this unwanted behavior to stop. When we found out that Buddy had developed a reputation with not only the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, Fed Ex, the water delivery guy, our plumber, SDG&E, the cable guy, the phone guy, the furniture delivery guy, our landscaper, and every neighbor within a 3 block radius. We decided something HAD to be done. I found out about Justin at Bark Busters from our veterinarian. After only our first lesson with Justin, we noticed a huge difference in the overall behavior of our dog. Buddy no longer barks at anyone and he has now become our mailman's favorite dog on his route. The mailman tells us that not only is Buddy his favorite dog on his route, but that Buddy is the highlight of his entire day! This newfound friendship between our mailman and Buddy would have never happened if it hadn't been for Justin, Bark Busters and their amazing techniques! Sincerely a loyal and raving fan.