Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Greater San Diego

Thanks again for helping us with Argos, he keeps getting better! We really can't say enough good things about Bark Buster's or about Justin. Justin was the second BB trainer we've seen after moving twice in the past few months, and he really went above and beyond what we expected. After seeing the transformation our dog has gone through, I really don't think any dog is beyond help. Justin gave us the tools we need to work with our uber-confident/aggressive dog, and it was great to see results so quickly. Our friends and family can't believe he's the same dog. Justin's enthusiasm and passion for dogs is apparent, and his techniques are humane, easy to learn, and they work! I would recommend anyone to Bark Buster's. The new relationship we have with our dog is well worth the time and money spent. Thank you, Justin!