Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago

The first thing I would like to say is that I researched dog trainers on the Internet, I weeded through what I wanted and was left with a few choices. I knew I did not want a "doggy boot camp" where my dog was taken away for weeks to be trained. I did not want to bring my dog to a trainer. I wanted the trainer to work with my dog in my home so that they could see the behavioral issues we have been facing and to help us deal with these matters in our dog's environment. I sent out several emails inquiring to receive more information. One of the questions was "What is the best time to contact you?" I wrote my answer and that very same day I received a phone call from Terry about 5 minutes after "my best time." She introduced herself and explained who she was. She asked questions about my dog, and I voiced concerns I had. My concerns were numerous. I basically had no control over my dog. Within the past year I had noted behavior patterns that had gotten worse. His aggressive behavior to me was possible cause to have my dog euthanized. In as much as I cared a lot about the dog, personal and medical conditions prevented me from being as close to the dog as my husband. Our dog is part of his world and when I mentioned the possibility of putting Acen down, I nearly broke his heart. In reality I am not a person that would put a dog down for any reason unless physically terminally ill, but when a dog appears to be getting more and more aggressive toward visitors and now his owners, I needed to think that through. This to me was one last effort to save my dog and our family from going through all of that. He had by this time bitten quite a number of people, including me. I was honestly beginning to fear my own dog and more than that, fear him severely attacking someone one day. Not only would I feel tremendous guilt over that, but I would also face the possibility of losing my home. The initial phone call from Terry was informative, understanding, and I felt a connection, immediately. I said to her frankly, "I am willing to do this, but you must talk to my husband and explain to him the inconsistencies and the need to be consistent throughout this learning process. With that I handed the phone over to my husband. This caring, very professional woman spent 20 more minutes talking to him and he to her. We hired her on the spot. Kudos to Terry! I truly don't think we will every regret that decision. She never seemed to tire of our questions, sighting example after example, explaing to us that our dog really does not want the role of leadership, he had been confused because he was never given any. She told us in as much as we think of it as aggression, she has seen and worked with really aggressive dogs and our dog, through all she saw and heard, was more possessive and in reality she explained to us that each time the dog had nipped, and I will now say nipped because had the dog bitten, there would not have been a tiny mark and a drop of blood, there would have been a lot more. Each circumstance the dog gave warning signs, first a bark, then a growl, and finally came the nip. She taught us how to watch our dog and learn the signs even before they started (ears going up, body stiffening). She showed us ways to correct it before it started. This note could go on and on. I look at Bark Busters seriously and Terry as my savior right now...Our dog's savior. I have been a dog owner my entire life, and have never put a dog down except for terminal illness and preventing them from any more pain and suffering. I've had to do that twice in my life. One for my childhood pet, who we had for 17 years and the second time for my adult pet who had terminal cancer. Each time it broke my heart, I lost a family member. I am so thankful that Terry has shown me that with Acen it won't be necessary as least now for his behavioral problems. They are fixable but the training starts with us...the owners. My girlfriend in N.Y. had a Shitzu with similar problems. She paid triple the money we paid, and there was no benefit like your company provides. I can call Bark Busters any time should we and our dog need a refresher. Even if I move, they are located anywhere in the U.S., and will come to our aid free of charge. How much better can we do? There is so much more I can say and write, but lets face it, I would be writing a book. Thank you, Bark Busters, for offering this service and for having trainers like Terry.