Bark Busters Reviews

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16 years ago

Dear Bruce, Thank you again for making it so easy to train Luke. As you said, when the training is not working don't hesitate to call you back. I am so pleased Michael chose Bark Busters Dog Training. ~ For you to come back like this and correct Luke's behavior in a very short amount of time was a miracle. You not only explained in human language with analogies, but you also used dog language that could be understood, and how Luke relates to the human language. ~ The baah has worked since you left me with the tools to train him and is continuing to work. It was a pleasure for the very first time in over a year and a half, to take him for the walk, although I think it is a bit stressful on him since he has lead everything and everywhere in the past, he has obeyed with one Baah each time he acted on other dogs, and other situations. ~ He again has responded with the baah when he hears someone outside and begins barking. One baah and it stops. The headache is gone. ~ When I come downstairs from the bedroom, and he is jumping on the furniture, excited to see me coming, I use the baah and he stops. ~ As I told you, he goes a bit out of control to say the least when seeing other dogs, but after seeing you, that has stopped. One tug back with the baah and he didn't do anything when he saw the other dogs. ~ When I would stop and tell him it was okay, he would walk around the area cautiously, but he then responded back to me when I did the baah. ~ When again I stopped, let him smell around, he did just what you said, he moved his bowels. He came back to me as soon as I did the baah. ~ I can't tell you what a joy it has been for me the entire day since you left. It is amazing since the first time your wife was here and gave Michael and Jessica these tools to work with, how he remembered each and every one. ~ Michael and Jessica will see the change in Luke immediately and I am sure continue his training until it is natural for Luke to obey and still be given much love. ~ I now know he will no longer jump on me when I arrive. I know he will no longer jump on the sliding glass doors because he is upset that I put him outside, and he won't be jumping on guests when they visit. ~ What a joy. He has given me such headaches, but that is in the past. Thank you so much.