Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Collegeville, Pottstown, Norristown

Photo of We read about Elvis in a Bark Busters monthlynews letter from Jeri Wagner, whom we had met in our neighborhood. Our eight-month-old American bull dog came from a rescue. He had spent the last three months prior to his adoption in a crate at the rescue where he was recuperating from a leg injury. Prior to that, he was an assumed stray. Elvis had little to no potty training, leash training, socialization with other animals or humans. He has no idea how to play or rest in a family environment. Jeri was with us at the moment of Elvis's arrival into our family. Her calm assertive manor helped us and Elvis to feel relaxed and confident. She helped us to establish boundaries for Elvis and ourselves. Elvis is learning how to adjust to a family who loves him. We are working to train Elvis so he be a member of our family. After just one training, he was exhausted and responded well to all methods. Elvis is continuing to make progress every day. Jeri has been there to take phone calls, emails and answer all questions! We look forward to each session and our achievements. Thanks, Jeri, for helping Elvis and us!