Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

It has been one week since our session with (my Hero) Patrick Logue, people do not believe that Bert (formally the Terror of the Hood) is the same dog. Bert wanted to attack and eat every dog within viewing distance. I had no control. Consequently, my other sweet, quiet dog was happy to join Bert in the game of lunging, barking and acting like a fool. Just two hours with Patrick has changed everything. We walk the beach and neighborhood just like quiet, dignified, well-behaved, adorable grown-ups. Should I mention that Bert & Luke are little shih tzus? I cannot say THANK YOU enough times. If this is the result of just two hours, imagine what four or more would do. With respect and deep gratitude, Joni Harris