Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Mid-Maryland

Photo of Sharon, I'm so glad that I scheduled you to train Sasha when I did. From the first day we met, I realized I had bigger problems than I thought. The kids at the door w/the dogs and relationship issues w/the family were more serious than I thought. You really helped to redirect that bad behavior quickly before more serious behavior started. I know now that as dogs age, things usually get worse. The sooner you train, the better the dog and house will be! I'm just glad it's never too late! I didn't expect to get so many other things out of the training. I can also stop Sasha from chasing the cats which I wasn't able to do before our training. Sasha responds very quickly and stops stalking the cats when I tell her to. Others have noticed the improvements too. Thanks so much for your continuous follow up visits. It really helps me to stay on track!