Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Central Jersey, New Jersey

Photo of Keith had come to us when we were pregnant with our first child. We were concerned about how our three-year-old pit bull-Jack Russel mix, Misha, would be around our new arrival. Misha was very aggressive around other animals, did not listen to any of our commands, and was bouncing off the walls with energy. We had spoken with every trainer listed in the Yellow Pages and all except for Keith had said that Misha was a lost cause and advised us to "put her down." Keith was the only trainer that was willing to even handle such an extreme case of what other trainers marked as "red zone aggression." Within one hour, Keith had transformed our out-of-control dog. She now listens and respects our authority. We have purchased the lifetime training so that Keith can coach us on any situations we may come across as our daughter grows along with Misha. So far, the baby and Misha are best friends!