Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16243 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Naples, Marco Island, Florida

    One household of yappy, barking little dogs is no more!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Naples, Marco Island, Florida

    The training techniques were explained in a way that was easy to follow and understand.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Greater Detroit, Michigan

    Maril was very open and engaging; she explained everything in a very positive format. By the end of the first session, my dog was more responsive and a bit more open with her shyness. Yes! I was pleased with the natural training techniques. I have done a lot of training and learned several new techniques as well as a few things I was doing wrong. Absolutely, I truly enjoyed it! I was very excited to get started. Maril was a pleasure to work with. I love the natural techniques and the Bark Busters system. Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

    Photo of The therapist's explanation of the training techniques was easy to follow and understand. We saw noticeable results by the end of the first lesson. We will recommend Bark Busters because it is effective.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Terry was very informative about techniques. She was also very informative about the psychology behind them. I was surprised by the positive results given the fact that I have a very dominant male dog! I would not have considered the program without the natural training techniques! I recommended Bark Busters training program within an hour of the trainer leaving! I find the literature given is a good reinforcement for the training program. It helps to keep me on track.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    My neighbors think I have a new dog because when we take a walk, he is calm. We walked by two strangers and he ignored them!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Portland, Oregon

    Dick not only explained the training techniques, but he also showed me how. I got lots of results. I was very happy with just two sessions. It's lots of fun, especially having a smart dog. My dog is learning so fast with this method.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Portland, Oregon

    I especially appreciated the 'why' we do things in the context of the dog's behavior. I was impressed that my Spencer responded so quickly and showed signs of a willingness to please. Most importantly, I felt like Dick taught me techniques I could do and follow through with. I have complete confidence in the training. I felt very comfortable with the techniques and have already recommended Dick and Bark Busters!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Portland, Oregon

    The training was very easy to understand. The techniques make sense. Lucy is much better behaved. I'm going to recommend Bark Busters to my daughter.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Portland, Oregon

    Dick did a very good job explaining the entire concept. Ginger was a better dog after one day of training! Yes! I would recommend Bark Busters to my friends and neighbors.