Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

Techniques were explained in such easy terms it is easy for me to focus on what is important. I am totally amazed at how quickly & easily Tuck responded! Other training styles & techniques were inconsistent in effect & didn't feel natural. I feel good about using Bark Busters techniques. I feel like I am doing something good for my dog. Linda is a natural trainer. She didn't make me feel bad for letting my dog train me :-) She was constructive and helpful with suggestions for training and food for our dog! I will recommend Bark Busters to EVERYONE! It is logical, simple & not physical & IT WORKS! Linda was wonderful to work with. I can't thank you enough. I truly believe there are no "bad" dogs, just "bad" owners. I wanted a well behaved dog & now with Bark Busters help & my consistency, I know I will have one! Thanks SO much, Linda! I couldn't wait to call my husband after you left & tell him how great Tuck did & how easy it was! Yahoo!