Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

My husband and I would like to thank John for the informative training he provided to us for Mandy, Miranda and Molly. We have struggled through a barking problem for three years with Mandy (Yorkie) being the biggest problem and Miranda (Yorkie) and more recently we acquired Molly (Shih Tzu)who is 8 months old and beginning to pick up on their bad habits. My dogs became non-barkers the same day John was here. We and the neighbors are in shock because we could never be on the porch or deck at the same time and we can now do both without a peep out of them and we live on an active street. We can now have company and be allowed to have a conversation without be constantly whined at and asking to be picked up. They also learned to walk on a leash, go up and down steps and Molly no longer terrorizes Miranda. What a miracle! We love Bark Busters! Our home is so quiet now. We don't realize we have dogs anymore. It takes attention and follow thru but they now know the rules of the house and who is in charge. I would highly recommend Bark Buster to anyone that wants assistance with their dogs. The best thing is that it comes with a lifetime guarantee and I can call anytime for assistance. Thanks again, John and Bark Busters.