Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

Linda was beyond excellent! She helped us understand what we needed to do to help Tugger be the dog he wanted to be. We noticed results not just by the end of training, but half way through! It's been a week now and our house is a changed place. It's a joy to come home now. At first we thought it sounded too easy. No treats? No complex paradigms? Just Bah & Good boy? It's fabulous! It works! It continues to be enjoyable. It's a joy to spend time with Tugger now. We're not having to contain & apologize. Now we play and relax. I've been singing your praises all week! I'd recommend this service to anyone. Linda took our home from being all about containing the dogs & minimizing damage to a home where everyone (dogs included) is relaxed and at peace. We look forward to many years with Tugger as the wonderful boy that he now is.