Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

Linda very thoroughly explained why behavior was occurring and why the techniques she taught would work. Maggie was a completely different dog from that day forward! We've rarely had to use the correction bags because she responds so well and I love that there is no physicality or food involved. It was learning a new way to behave with Maggie and it was a lot in a short time so it was very enjoyable. I have already recommended Bark Busters to my friends. I waited to send this in because I was sure Maggie would relapse. But from the very first day, she's been an absolute joy! One of our issues was not being able to keep her out of the kitchen when I cooked or cleaned up. I was ready to use my "Bahh" and the bag, but she didn't even come into the kitchen that 1st night after the training, and hasn't since! It's been an incredible change. One other serious issue was aggression toward visitors. No matter what I did, short of physically holding her down, she wouldn't stop barking, circling and snapping at people. A few days ago, there was a whole group of people here which would have been impossible before. This time, she sat quietly on the sidewalk and let everyone pass her without any problems at all. I'm quite shocked at how well the technique has worked and frankly, I think a lot of the success comes from how well Linda taught us! Maggie is a much calmer dog which can only be good for her as well.