Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Orland Park, Illinois

Jim Unton and Vicky Harper spent 90 minutes in my home and transformed my Labrador! From the minute they entered the house, they were educating me and helping me to understand "how my dog thinks." I believe that the Bark Busters approach to training is so successful because it involves the trainer as much as the pet. They are terrific folks who understand and love animals and it shows. My family was amazed at the difference in my dog, Clover. She used to charge the door and jump up on everyone but now she can greet people by sitting sweetly and wagging her tail as they pet her on the head. I don't even have to raise my voice with her anymore. The magical "green bag" in my hand is all she needs to see and she calms down instantly. This is the best training around!