Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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18 years ago

I am a Bark Buster Believer! Lisa came to our house on Friday to get us started on training our 1-yr-old German Shorthaired Pointer. We have taken the advice that Lisa gave us and have used it consistently. It has been just three days and it is as if we have a completely different dog. Roxy, the dog, used to pull me on the leash to the point where she would be choking and coughing. I have taken her for walks during the last three days and she walks next to me without tension in her collar. She used to jump about 5 feet in the air at the front door when someone arrived. (ask Lisa, she was a witness!) Roxy now sits back and waits without barking and without jumping on the people when they come in. If we are not home she will bark at the door, but when she sees that it is us, she sits down and waits for us to come in. I was in tears the other day when Roxy and I were walking because it truly was a completely different and very pleasurable experience. One that I wasn't sure I would ever be able to have with her. I am looking forward to the continued progress that Roxy will make as we continue our training. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to allow my dog the freedom to be a dog and a wonderful companion!