Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

Cathy was ready to take our 6-year-old springer spaniel to the shelter as he had become more and more aggressive to our 12-year-old dog; when she tried to discipline him he started growling at her. Our vet recommended Bark Busters, and Jennifer agreed it would be money well spent if it could restore peace to the household and she knew people in California who had had great success with Bark Busters. John came over the first time for almost 4 hours. Jennifer even flew in for the weekend from her current job site in California so she too wouldn't miss the first training session. John taught us how to start thinking like a dog and we began to learn how we needed to change so our Springer would realize we were the pack leaders and he did not have to be any longer. Our Springer immediately knew John was in charge the minute he started working with him. John has been very patient teaching us humans what we need to do and we have met with him now 3 more times since our initial visit to fine tune our dogs training. People visiting have noticed a huge improvement with our younger dog and both dogs are much more relaxed and understand there are rules and Mom is the top dog now. We take comfort in knowing we can call John at any time and he will come back as often as we feel we need him to. As John said, the dog knows what to do, he is just testing to see if his parents remember.