Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

We have two bichons that are 9 and 7 years old. I was concerned that it would be difficult for our dogs to change at their age, but I've learned through Bark Busters that "You CAN teach an old dog new tricks." Trying to break an old person of bad habits is much more difficult. It only took one lesson at the door for our dogs to learn not to bark like crazy and rush over to attack our visitors, which means that we can now invite friends to come over without embarrassment, but our guilt regarding all of the rule changes has been much more difficult to break. Not only are the dogs great at the door now (with just a warning given to them), but there are many other improved behaviors since the one training session. The dogs no longer are walking us and sniffing everything in sight, and if we see a neighbor or a person working, we are able to talk to them without trying to talk over constant barking. The dogs are also no longer waking us up in the morning. We determine when we want to get up, and the dogs are quiet until that time. A side benefit is that the constant licking and biting of their fur and skin has stopped. Bark Busters is truly a miracle for our dogs.