Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

I realized immediately where I was making mistakes and needed to think canine! Dog was in car immediately following training and responded to training for motorcycle "aggression." Much quicker response time than feeding method and I love growling! Two hours flew by! I already have recommended Bark Busters to my doctor. I can't understand why almost 1 year of training and vet bills that no one has ever presented me with these simple methods and behavior techniques. I had a well-respected animal behaviorist tell me "this is your last resort...there is nothing else I can do for your dog" aside from prescribing Zanax and Prozac! In the last 10 months, I have spent almost 10 times the cost of 1 visit by Bark Busters with very little encouragement or success. Rachel walked in with a "no problem - we can do this" attitude and the results were apparent immediately. I can't wait to see the results after a few months of training! Thanks so much!!