Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

Photo of Becky is extremely patient which was very helpful to me as we were working with a dog who was very new to our family and we didn't know him well yet. It was absolutely amazing! We have had 100% success and it is a thrill and a blessing to see undesirable behaviors change in a few hours! The completely natural method of learning pack behavior and establishing leadership is liberating for the owners and comforting to the dogs. We think Odin was probably abused and this method is very effective for him. The experience was very interesting and enjoyable. We had lots of laughs and we learned a lot. I would recommend Bark Busters to anyone. You don't have to wait for lesson 12 of week 5 to learn how to correct particular behaviors. In our case, standard classes with another service would not have worked because we needed to correct specific behavior immediately. Also, the methods are SO EFFECTIVE and the immediate change in behavior is a relief and in some cases necessary for the dog's safety. We can take Odin to the dog park now, off lead, and don't need to worry. He comes every time!