Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dallas & Fort Worth, Texas

Photo of I have two stubborn (and very spoiled) dachshunds, who barked at everything in sight. I was embarrassed when people came to the house, as the dogs seems to totally "melt down." Great for keeping burglars away, but it did not impress my friends and neighbors. I tried every method possible to stop the barking but nothing was working so I called Bark Busters and was assigned to Nancy Higgins. Once Nancy came to the house, she immediately assessed the situation and concurred that I had a had several behavioral issues with the diminutive duo. After the first visit, I could see a huge improvement. Even a couple of my neighbors were impressed, so THEY hired her for their dogs. I recommend Bark Busters (and Nancy) very highly and I am sure my neighbors are very grateful as well.