Bark Busters Reviews

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17 years ago

Thanks so much for your time today. My husband is so impressed with the progress in Carson already!! We did the ignoring thing when he came home tonight, and Carson settled down right away. I walked him when we got home from Wintergreen and he stayed right by my side as if I'd said "heel" almost the whole time. I am impressed!! He was wonderful in playing fetch tonight, whereas he usually "beats" me to the ball after retrieving it and dropping it, he tries to get it back. After one growl by me, he leaves it alone now for me to pick up after I say drop it. Up and down stairs, in and out of doors, etc. is all going well. We will be diligent to do homework. Wayne and I are going to sit down tomorrow night so I can go over what you told me, so we both are on the same page.