Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

Linda did a wonderful job explaining everything. When she first arrived, before she even met my dogs, we sat down and talked. She carefully evaluated the situation and put a lot of thought into explaining it to me without making me feel stupid or inadequate as a dog owner. It has been a long time since I owned dogs and the naysayers in my life had me second-guessing my ability to handle them. I stood alone in my belief that they are GOOD DOGS but that they didn't know it yet. Now I have proof! The results were not only immediate, they were astonishing. I was brought to tears because I had never seen my yellow lab so well behaved. I KNEW he had it in him and it came right out in the training. I can't even describe how thrilled I was. I am so thrilled with the training techniques! My yellow lab is 8 months old and weighs 80 lbs. My rottweiller mix is the same age at 79 lbs. They were getting fat on all the treats I was giving them just to keep some semblance of control. I don't buy treats anymore except for special occaisions. It's WONDERFUL! I learned so much in such a short time. I was just amazed and had a lot of fun bringing out the good in my dogs. In 3 hours, I went from dogs that jumped on me, bit at my face and stole my roommate's hat right off her head, to dogs that walked calmly beside me as we strolled down the street. Now I LOVE to walk the dogs. They repsect me and we have a lot more fun. The frustration and stress are gone. Life is GOOD! Bark Busters ROCKS!! We saw immediate results and it only got better as time went on and I worked more and more with my dogs. After one week, I can let them outside and no one runs off. No one looks at me and runs the other way when I call them. No one jumps on me and bites at my face. They sit patiently and wait calmly while I clip on their leashes. Imagine how well they will behave 6 months downt he road!! It only gets better! I am telling everyone about Bark Busters. WOO HOOOOOO!!! I appreciated that the training was more about teaching ME to bet a better owner and a pack leader. By the time Linda left, it was clear to me that I had a lot of work to do but that I could do it. Without that, I would have felt desperate to have Linda here 24/7 to train these dogs. It would have been frustrating beyond anything I could have imagined. I would have felt that my dogs respected Linda and not me. But by teaching me how to gain their respect, I was confident that I could utilize the tools correctly and make the impact I needed to achieve the positive behavior I always knew my dogs possessed. They looked to me to be their leader and now I am.