Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

Patrick's session was simple to understand while being both educational and productive. The format and content is ideal for the busy family. We learned why Phillie (our beagle) behaved as she did and how to correct it all in less than three hours. We are on our way to training ourselves and our dog for a lifetime of better behavior. The fundamentals of the dog training seem logical and they produce fast results. The overall short length of the session combined with the improved behavior and easy-to-understand principles have left us satisfied and happy. In three hours or less, you will better understand how your dog thinks and why it acts the way it does. Additionally, you will have already experienced positive results and noticeable improvement in behavior. The lifetime training guarantee makes an already affordable service a tremendous value.