Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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24 years ago — Pinellas County & West Pasco, Florida

What can I say? Sharon Kondash is an absolute God sent! She made my Cockerpoo Schena who was a very nervous little girl, into a more confident and less stressed little pooch. It used to be almost impossible to come over to my mother's house with Schena, because my mother has a dog named Lucy and putting them together would always create a scary situation. Through Sharon's help and guidance, that fear no longer exists. Schena is more relaxed and is more open to Lucy, which has created such a sweet relationship. Going for walks with Schena isn't something I dread anymore; I actually look forward to it and based what I've learned from Sharon I can tell that she does too. I know my mother and I did the right thing by contacting Bark Busters when I saw Schena actually longing for Sharon, not wanting her to leave. Calling Bark Busters was so worth it. Schena and I are so thankful and we would suggest Bark Busters, in particular Sharon without a doubt. Thanks to Sharon's help I now speak the language of canine" and i think its awesome and Schena does too."""