Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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24 years ago — Pinellas County & West Pasco, Florida

Photo of To start off, I have a 2 yr old Alaskan Klee Kai (miniature husky)named Riley. Alone I was able to teach him the basics but felt that as he got older he needed more training to help. I,sought out dog trainers from multiple places like Petsmart but found that they did not give me the help or real life direction I was looking for or that matched Riley's personality. I came across Bark Busters and saw for my area Sharon Kondash was listed and set up a free consultation. On the first meeting with Sharon I knew she was the perfect trainer for me and Riley. I started to see results the first few minutes. Riley is much more calm when meeting strangers (he was very aggressive and used to bark nonstop.) Now he is willing to listen to me as the pack leader. What's great about the Bark Busters service is that they train within you own home and Sharon personalizes it for each dog within their home environment. To have Sharon come to you home every training session, work with you for hours indoors and out and to have her available for calling and emailing anytime for up to a year or as a lifetime member, the price is more than fair. What I love best about Sharon is her calm and professional manner that no matter how good or bad your dog is and in need of training she takes her time and makes sure the dog understands but you the owner understand as well. Thank God for Sharon, she is a life saver for me and Riley.