Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

Photo of Terry has been extremely instrumental in making it possible for Jaegar to adjust and become a loving and well behaved member of our family. Jaegar is a 11-month-old Weimaraner that we adopted from a rescue organization. Previously, he had no discipline or correct socialization, basically living in crates or kennels most of his puppy life. We have had lots of dogs in our lives and thought we had the skills to cope with his behaviour problems, we could not have been any more wrong! Terry has trained us to communicate our wishes to Jaegar in such a way that he truly understands what we expect which has relieved us of a great amount of stress and has made him a much happier and well adjusted dog. Terry truly cares not only about the dogs but, the owners as well. The Bark Busters techniques really work! It is amazing!