Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Greater Detroit, Michigan

Photo of When my husband and I started using Bark Busters, we had a very disobedient 2-year-old golden retriever. Everyone would tell me, "Oh, she's just being a puppy." Typical issues were eating everything in site from shoes and socks to rugs and dog beds, jumping up on people, biting pant legs, not walking well, not coming when called, jumping on the couch and bed, barking at every little noise...let's just say we had a laundry list of well over 30 annoying habits. No matter what I tried, nothing helped -- puppy and adult obedience classes, suggestions from my vet (who specializes in behavioral issues with dogs), etc. That's when I saw Bark Busters at the DKC dog show. The trainer explained my dog's behavior was beyond the "puppy" stage and she would be able to help -- help with training on MY schedule, in the exact environment where the problems occur -- in MY house and not in some school gym. What a great idea! She helped me see that my husband and I were not the pack leaders and our dog was trying to control us! After convincing my reluctant husband that our dog needed help, we signed up for Bark Busters. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! Within 20 minutes, we saw a dog we had never seen before. SHE WAS LISTENING! My husband couldn't believe it! He admitted he was skeptical and is now Bark Busters' biggest supporter. We can now say we LOVE being with our dog so much more. We take her everywhere with us and don't worry about whether or not she'll have an "outbreak." We enjoy her so much more. I have recommended Bark Busters to many people and they all have the same response -- this is unbelievable! There is a lot of work involved and it does take time to build a routine so your dog knows these are the new rules but please understand, this is the BEST investment you'll ever make for your dog. I've had to have the trainer come back a couple times -- but NEVER for the same issue. I would recommend Bark Busters over and over again!