Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

Our Sharpei, Nelson, has the most fun-loving, comical nature of any dog. Eager to please and quick to protect, he has been a rich addition to our lives; however, just after he entered the "terrible twos" our sweet pup began to give us some problems. We noticed that if Nelson was left out of the cage while we were gone, he would gnaw at molding around the doors, tear up garbage, or reach for items off of the counter to destroy. We had tried various obedience schools, but none offered a solution to the problem; they simply taught us ways to avoid household damage. Nelson's destructive nature reached a climax when he broke out of his cage and clawed at all of the cupboards and doors in an intense effort to get out of the house. We were left with no choice but to put him in the garage during the day, and neighbors remarked at the constant barking. In addition to the problems we were having at home, Nelson had been turned away from the vet's office because of hostility to the workers, and to be honest, we were fearful of his aggression with visitors in general.