Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Columbia MD, Baltimore, Montgomery & Howard County, Maryland

I love her!! I wish we would have done this a LONG time ago. My Jack Russell was a pain. She barked a lot, was aggressive towards dogs and people. Walking her was a pain. We would never have people over because she was a pain. We just finished one session and I AM IN SHOCK IT WORKED! She was walking behind us; she didn't try and attack Marsha's dog; she didn't run out the door in front of us when it was time for a walk. and she didn't bark at Marsha when she left. Marsha was AWESOME to work with and SUPER FRIENDLY. She explained the entire process and was extremely patient. I am SOOOO GLAD we did this, the best money you'll ever spend!