Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — East Orange County, CA

Within 5 minutes of working with Kuma on his first lesson, Frank had already trained Kuma not to jump on people. I was shocked, since I had been unsuccessfully trying to teach him the same thing for a year and a half. The training was absolutely effective in training the dogs. Growling took some getting used to because it goes against my nature. But it's in their nature and it works. That's what is important. I have always known that I have wonderful, sweet dogs, and now everybody else is going to get a chance to see that. I am spending more quality time with my dogs now too. If a person really loves their dog the best thing they can do for it is to train him/her. The good training that Bark Busters offers actually helps your dogs personality to flourish. Now I can take my dogs with me more places and enjoy their company more. Now other people can enjoy Kuma & Tala [wolf hybrids] with me. I have been recommending Bark Busters to my friends and neighbors.