Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

Photo of Tia, my 4-lb, 7-mo-old, spoiled rotten Yorkie is the light of my life and all was well and good till, as my neighbor said, "I see your dog found her vocal cords." Tia had started barking at everything. I had spent a small fortune on a fence for the yard and couldn't let her out alone. She barked at mailmen, neighbors, dogs, birds, when the cat used the litter box, everything inside and out. Forget the front door. She barked at anyone walking by and would run out the front door if she could and I would give her treats to come back in. It got so bad that if someone came over, I would just give her treat after treat so I could have a conversation over the barking. I called Karen at Bark Busters, buy I was very iffy that anything would help. This program is AMAZING! It really works! Karen knows what she's doing, and she trained me and Tia. By the end of 3 hours, I had a new dog. Really. She taught us the front door routine, how to eliminate barking outside, leash control and sit and stay. She would have kept going but I had enough info for now. So, does it really work the next day when Karen's not here?? Absolutely! Tia has not barked outside (or inside), run to the front door and she actually takes a nap. My neighbors think Karen took her vocal cords when I wasn't looking. I have had 2 weeks of people coming over, ringing my doorbell, just to see if she'll bark...nothing. She knows I'm in charge now and is a relaxed "new" dog. Karen is a real pro and we had fun during the training. I didn't realize how easy it would be to have a calm, not barking dog. I work with Tia only 10 minutes a day or some days not at all (you know those days) Best money I ever spent. It really works!