Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

We have a German shepherd/sheltie mix, Kianna. She is 1½ years old. Very sweet but was definitely the alpha dog. She would bolt to and out the door, chew on everything and pull us on the leash. She had a terrible habit of stealing anything that was dropped, including the kids' homework, toys, shoes, paper, and food. After the first visit with Dale, she was a totally different dog. By the end of week #2, she became the perfect dog. She now only plays with her toys, does not chew on anything, and is a perfect lady on the leash. She has become very relaxed and submissive and is a wonderful companion to all of us. Our life used to revolve around her, and now she fits right into our lifestyle and schedule. What a difference. My husband was very skeptical at first, but now is thankful for the training and the change in Kianna. Dale was very patient and was a life saver! I recommend him to all of m friends with dogs! Thank you!