Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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18 years ago — Tampa, Florida

Hello Jeff and Cathy, Now seriously, did you take our dog and leave us with another one???? I can't believe we are living with the same dog that has made us crazy for two years. I had high expectations for your first visit, and you have completely exceeded them. Using the techniques you showed us, here are some examples of the changes we have seen in Coco in less than 36 hours: When we sit on the couch, he sits calmly on the floor or next to us without whining or jumping. Ethan and I played with puzzles on the floor while Coco laid quietly behind me. Coco stays patiently in the family room while we prepare meals in the kitchen. He waits for us to call him in or out of the door. He pees in our own yard instead of running across the street. We brought home a crate today, and he is already sleeping in it!!! He is not following us through the house nearly as much as he did before. He played with the buddy cube for at least a half hour, and managed to get treats out. He seems calmer and happier.