Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Denver, Colorado

Hi, Scott! ~ I just wanted to tell you that Tim and I (well, mostly me), have been working with Murphy on his growling issues. I have taken him to the parks where there are kids, kids in the cul de sac, people at the front door, around the front yard with people around....any place I could and used your technique to "control" him, and he has responded wonderfully! ~ He's such a good boy! Your technique even works when he's in the car and I see him focus a little too intensely on someone on the sidewalk or something. I 'bah' and he immediately responds...before he does anything. We have a friend who Murphy has never liked, and now there are no problems and Murphy actually likes him to pet him. ~ The big test was when we had a graduation party for Tim's daughter. We each kept one of those chain packets in our pocket just in case. There were lots of people, and lots of little kids. We worked with him before the kids got there so he got the message, and he was the best dog! :)) He did not want some of the kids to pet him...he just got up and went someplace to lie down. We kept a close eye on him just in case, and gave him a 'bah' when he got too close to the food. He did start to bark at one man who he didn't know, but I was on the spot and threw the chain down with a 'bah' and he put his tail between his legs and went to lay under the table. I told him he was a good boy and he came out a little tentatively, but he was fine after that. ~ I am so impressed! I can't think of anything else to work on!