Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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Stacy M.
10 months ago — Boston Northwest

We contacted Bark Busters for help with our 1 year old Golden Retriever. Maverick is such a sweet boy in so many ways, but has issues with jumping up and being crazy on the leash! We were struggling every time we had to take him out. We definitely needed help! We had our first visit with Bonnie, and after 2 hours, he was a different puppy! It was finally enjoyable to go for a walk! She was so good and patient with him. Her knowledge and guidance trained us and our puppy responded so quickly. It has already been life-changing for us! We will continue to work on everything we learned. Thank you for all your help Bonnie! We look forward to our next session!

  • #Aggression
  • #Barking
  • #Chewing
  • #Digging
  • #Jumping up
  • #Recall