Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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Elaine G.
11 months ago — Brandon, FL

I was so discouraged that I tried everything I knew & could not help my 5-1/2 month old chihuahua. I got him when he was 4-1/2 months old, & from what the vet & myself could tell, he was never socialized or minimally socialized. Because of this, he was extremely scared of people, barked at everything, would not walk with the leash, & when I held him around people he would constantly shake, growl/bark & try to bite if they got too close. He was a mess & I was heartbroken for him.

I decided to hire a trainer that would come to my house & what I found in Joanne was a lifeline. Before she even worked with my puppy, she asked me questions, thoroughly answered mine, & reviewed her training methods & how we’ll move forward. I was also trained during that time…..a must in my experience. Then, I brought my puppy into the room & the training began. I will say it’s imperative that you make changes & to work with your puppy/dog everyday.

Fast forward to two weeks & even before the two weeks, my puppy loves to go walking & he no longer is barking incessantly at people or other animals (a little ruff will escape every so often but when I correct him he immediately stops). He is getting more comfortable around people, & he doesn’t try to bite them when I’m holding him. The shaking is minimal. He is a completely different puppy & a much happier one too!! Our relationship has even blossomed & I have Joanne to thank for that.

This is a long review but I wanted you to know how bad things were & the difference training has made in just two weeks. If you are thinking about a trainer, I HIGHLY recommend Joanne. I am so happy I called her because no way was I able to do this on my own. Not only can I enjoy him, but little by little so can others. Don’t give up on your puppy/dog……hire Joanne!! You’ll be happy you did!!

  • #Aggression
  • #Barking
  • #Pulling