Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

Patrick is a very good trainer. Good at communicating and keeping focused while demonstrating much patience with the dogs and owner. Patrick explained the training techniques in a way that was easy to follow and understand. Looks like I (the leader) needs the most training and practice. I observed noticeable results by the end of the training. Although my 2 miniature schnauzers seemed confused, there was noticeable change. I think the natural training techniques will be the answer to the behavior issues I was experiencing with my dogs. It will be a lot of new behaviors for all of us. The training experience was interesting and enjoyable. A lot was covered in a short period of time. I would recommend Bark Busters because I will be able to demonstrate well-behaved dogs as time goes on.