Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago

Photo of I own a 14-month-old Siberian Husky. I tried [other] training classes and nothing was helping any of the problems I was having with Delta. Something had to be done or my mom would get rid of her. I was so skeptical about having Bark Busters come to the house. "Like it ain't going to work, I'm just wasting money". Oh man, when Wendy met Delta things changed. And quickly. Within 3 minutes, Delta stopped jumping up on me. Delta rarely pulls on the leash anymore when I'm walking her. No more digging, no more chewing on the house. There's been such a big turn-around with Delta, I could keep on and on with the list. Wendy taught me exactly what I needed to know to be the one in control. Wendy is very personable, and professional at the same time. As long as I keep up my end of the bargain and keep practicing with Delta, there's no telling how well behaved she can become. Wendy is so AWESOME! Thanks a ton, Wendy.