Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Greater Detroit, Michigan

Hi Maril, It was so nice to finally meet you at Zeus's party. Being a cancer patient on chemo, I was so afraid that Zeus and I would never get along. I thought I'd end up missing an arm and not being able to visit my daughter. Because of your great teaching methods, he and I are now the best of buddies. He stands in front of the window whining and getting all excited looking for his Grandma now. He and I even sleep together when I'm over there. Zeus and I are the best of buddies now and all my fear is gone. Even Lucky waits, sitting patiently, for his massage from Grandma after Zeus gets his. Thanks again! Peggy (Lucky & Zeus's Grandma) P.S. They are both a great joy to be with!