Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Greater Detroit, Michigan

I felt that it was very easy to understand & fun to learn. It is great to watch Maril go through the lesson, but she watched Ares' personality the whole time, so when it came time she knew exactly what to do. Right after Maril left, I noticed results. We've had minor setbacks but nothing like we were before training began. To hear that we do not have to get physical with our dog for discipline is great. These simple but consistent techniques are wonderful. Maril is definitely fun to be around but her strength to teach is awesome! She makes it really fun to learn. I think the training techniques are so easy to learn that anyone could pick these up and find out what a joy their dog is to have around. Having a woman come to my house to teach me how to train my dog was a great experience. She is a positive force, letting me know I can do this. Also she gave me reinforcement letting me know that I was doing a good job & that really helped, especially since I was so frustrated from Ares behavior. (Ares is a 1Y Male American Staffordshire terrier who was biting Laura.)