Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago

Photo of My 100-lb dog is strong willed, stubborn and hard to handle. When I called Scott Beckman, I was desperate for help. Grizzly needed leash training and socialization. After Scott explained how the pack works, it was easy to see I needed help with my pack leader skills. Though it took a bit longer than most, Grizzly and I are now on our own, and I couldn't be more grateful to Scott. I can take my dog out on the leash and not fight him to get him back in the house. I've learned how to minimize his tendency to pull and we've actually made some new friends at the park. Grizzly loves other dogs, yet for 2½ years I thought he would tear them up. I learned a lot from Scott, and it's good to know he is a phone call away should I need him. This dog is so strong willed even Scott was challenged on how to get him in the house when he plopped himself on the ground. It took less than 1/2 hour to teach Grizzly that I was the boss and when it's time to come in, he is to come in. I am getting exercise 2-3 times a day and Grizzly is able to expend lots of energy. Thank you, Scott!