Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Greater Detroit, Michigan

Maril demonstrated (immediately) how changing our behaviors impacted the dogs' behaviors. We were very impressed. Absolutely! The dog (pit mix found as a stray) that started out fearful & tense was relaxed and comfortable taking direction. The techniques demonstrated made perfect sense... Maril explained how our actions were perceived by the dogs. I was amazed at how making small changes in the way we did things made such a difference in the way the dogs acted. Maril gave specific recommendations for each dog & for each problem as well as how to properly reward good behavior. We were much more conscious of the way our body language impacted the dogs -- we were able to better recognize and respond to the signals the dogs were giving us. Maril made clear she was available for further help if needed. Ford Road Animal Hospital - Assistant