Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago — Greater Des Moines, Iowa

The Bark Busters method was explained very simply so that my 17 & 14 year old could relate to the reasons behind the techniques. Since my dog is older and it is hard to always have treats available for training, I was pleased with the natural training (without treats). I really like the Bark Busters collar vs. a prong collar. The training experience was interesting -- the wolf pack examples were great! I will recommend Bark Busters -- group therapy can be effective but the attention-seeking behaviors Rambo has at home are the problem. This could only be dealt with 1 on 1. I appreciated Deb seeing the behavior and the corrective advice given. My children and I were very motivated to begin changing behaviors after our first Bark Busters session!