Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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16 years ago

John did a great job of explaining the Bark Busters natural techniques. The simplicity of the program caused me to wonder at possible results. All three dogs (boxers) were a great deal calmer by the end of the first session. Cricket was still trying to push her luck, but I could see a change, even in her. The ability to get good results without stressing or physically intimidating them in any way is allowing us to totally enjoy our training sessions. Left to our own devices, I was initially concerned; however, we are already seeing progress. Passive dominance is amazing. We have begun to see less and less demanding behavior from the dogs. I would most definitely recommend Bark Busters to my friends and neighbors. It will give me a great deal of pleasure to show off what we've learned. Friends and family will be in awe. Having never experienced the problems I have with this last pup, I was at my wits end. We are all so much more at ease, even after three days. My two older dogs are relieved to see me once more in control.