Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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15 years ago

Photo of We have one of Becky's dog's puppies (she is two now) and I probably better than anyone can attest to Becky's training skills. I was very sick and in the hospital for 21 days when our puppy was just 5 months old. Becky offered to keep our puppy so that my husband could spend time with me while I was in intensive care. She worked with Sutter on a daily basis using the Bark Busters training and we got back a very well-behaved puppy. When I came home, I was on a walker and Becky did such a good job that I was able to keep our Sutter, which I would not have been able to do if Becky had not kept her and trained her. We are forever grateful to her, and through this we have gotten to know Becky and how much she cares for dogs. She is one in a million. Run don't walk to sign up for this training, you will never regret it.