Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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15 years ago — Collegeville, Pottstown, Norristown

We were immediately captured by the information. We were able to notice Ringer's willingness for learning as well as observe his demeanor. The natural training as well as being made aware of the natural foods (instead of fillers) we should (will) provide was excellent. The training was interesting and enjoyable as well as sensible for both dog and owner. This was also very easy to turn into practice - it empowered me. Having been made aware of my role has allowed me to become more "dominant" with our dog allowing him to rely on me instead of him being/feeling like he has to do it all. Jeri's openness and honesty allowed me to clearly understand my role as dog owner and what I need to change in order for Ringer to be obedient as well as successful as an obedient dog.