Bark Busters Reviews

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15 years ago

My family owns a Staffordshire Terrier and she could be a BIG hand full and was very strong willed. I could not even take her on a walk without my hand and arm feeling like it was going to be pulled off my body. She was a chewer, mostly my 5year old's toys, shoes and clothes. My kids could not play in the back yard without her being in the house because she would try to trip them and herd them. Michael came to our home and taught me and my husband WHY she does what she does.(I have been to training classes before at the PET store and they never taught ME this!) Then proceeded to teach US how to stop it. Within a 20 min session, my Layla was coming when called (never happened before) sitting on command, laying down, and staying until she was released. Michael calls it a "sit/stay," not jumping on someone walking in the front door! Big improvement! She actually sits off the tile in our entry and waits to be released before greeting a guest. She lays by the swing set now and watches. No chasing and herding anymore! Walks.....are a breeze! She has slack in the lead and stays by my side (actually touching my leg) looking at me for commands the whole time. My 5 year old can walk her the same way I do! If he can do this for my HEAD STRONG baby Layla in a 20 min session. I know he can help anybody. It has now been over a year and Layla still responds the same way! Thanks Michael!You have made Layla and my family very happy!