Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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18 years ago — Lexington, Kentucky

I don't know what I was thinking when I added a puppy in our home when we didn't have good control over the dog we already had. I guess I thought the two of them would keep each other busy. They kept each other busy by both getting in to trouble. My girlfriend used Bark Busters and always raves about them. I called and we've covered puppy training AND our other dog's "non-preferred" behavior. It was much better than the puppy school I did with our other dog. And to do it all at home is awesome. Our puppy is learning so quickly now that we know how to speak and act like dogs. - Our trainer Kendra was awesome and she knows her stuff. We are highly recommending Kendra to all of our friends and family.