Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

Thank you is in order! My son's first words were, "Another trainer, MOM!" We haver tried every trainer, from group, to private, but somehow we could never get ourselves to be the boss, we were over ruled by our pet, "Ozzy"! He ruled the roost! Within minutes, no kidding, just minutes, Ozzy was put in his place and my son and I were in command, like we should have been from day one. It was easy and effective and most of all harmless. You see, we have tried shock collars, spray collars, pinch collars and Ozzy was always smart enough to realize if these collars were not on his neck, he was in control. Ozzy is a very protective pet and no person was coming to our house without placing Ozzy in the garage and out of harms way. But Bark Busters and the help of Patrick changed this situation and Ozzy is a new dog. A friend who could not come by to visit, is now welcome by Ozzy and doesn't have to fear for his life! Ozzy is an entirely new pet! One we really enjoy!