Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

I would absolutely recommend Bark Busters! Especially knowing that Linda will be the therapist. Being spoiled after having had two female Golden Retrivers in the past 26 years who practically trained themselves, we were in for somewhat of a shock with our cute, affectionate, yet overly enthusiastic (to put it nicely) male Golden Retriever puppy. It seemed that no matter what we did, he was determined to do things his way. Consequently, at the suggestion of our vet, we contacted Linda at Bark Busters. She did more with our puppy in the three hours that she was in our home than we had been able to do in the 5 months that he has been a part of our family. After a week of using the Bark Busters method, our dog's mouthing and barking have all but stopped-and when he tries to go back to his old ways, the magic word "Bah"- stops him immediatley. We are finally on the road to being able to enjoy our dog!